company registration in Thailand
Company registration in Phuket
Visa Service Thailand is specialized in a safe, fast & secure company registration for expats and foreigners. Let us register your company in Phuket. We have more than 10 years of experience in company set-ups and we have registered over 450 companies for foreigners so far.
Company Registration options
For your company registration in Thailand, you have the choice what type of company to establish, on the bottom of this page you will find the different options.
We can help you with:
- Company registration
- Company Share Structure
- Shareholder Transfer Agreement
- Corporate Tax Consulting
- Work permit for foreigners
- General legal counsel
- Share Certificates
- English Translation of Documents
Do I need a Lawyer in setting up a company in Thailand?
The start-up of a company – known as a private company limited – in Thailand primarily requires registration with the Ministry of Commerce (MOC), the obtaining of the company’s Tax ID Card and VAT Certificate (only if required – this is obtained from the Revenue Department) as well as any other government licenses and approvals that may be required, depending upon the particular kinds of business activities in which your company intends to engage.
Doing business in Thailand can be very complicated and may take you several weeks to complete the process. This is mainly due to the registration procedures and the required documents and forms being in Thai. It follows that you need someone you can trust and who is able to communicate in Thai on your behalf to be able to successfully review your company registration. Visa Service Thailand licensed lawyers can take care of the legal points of setting up your business thereby making sure that all the necessary requirements are met.
Furthermore, we can give you relevant pieces of advice on doing business in Thailand efficiently. Finally, at Visa Service Thailand, we can give you a one stop service for your convenience i.e. we can help you set up a company while getting you a Thai work permit and a Thai Visa at the same time. Consult us today by filling out the form on how to set up your company in Thailand!
Basic Options for Setting Up a Company
When doing business in Thailand, you have the choice over what type of business organization to establish. These are your basic options:
- Registered Ordinary or Limited Partnership: business set up by a minimum of two persons; joint partners who share either limited or unlimited liability for all the Partnership's obligations.
- Representative Office: office of an overseas company established in Thailand in order to engage in international trade.
- Regional Office: perform businesses in Thailand on behalf of your head office abroad but restricted from earning income, purchasing, selling, and negotiating.
- Branch Office: are allowed to earn income. The Branch Office's liabilities arising from the action of the business in Thailand will not be limited within Thailand but extends to the head office overseas.
- Thai Limited Company: liability of the shareholders are limited to any amount left unpaid on their shares; and there is a separation between owners and management
- Register Company under US-Thai Treaty of Amity: gives special rights and benefits to American citizens who wish to establish their businesses in Thailand, but they are prohibited from engaging in reserved activities.
- Register Company under BOI: receive investment incentives both foreign and local entrepreneurs who are interested in investing in the Board of Investment promoted activities.
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